Monday, August 28, 2006

somebody hacked into my account and changed the address?! wth who would ever be so lame to do that. i can just go in my account and change it back. stupid dumb ass.

i don't feel like going to school tomorrow. its just so boring. damn there's also LIT test and have to hand up scrapbook. gahh i just want to go school because of the Math. i need to buck up on my Math i have C5?! what kind of grade it that. Mr.Ho's teaching linear graph. i'm gonna die if i miss that lesson.

i need tuition, despearately! lets see my grades for this term :
English : D7 (could pass by 0.5 mark!)
Maths : C5
Chinese : C5 (whooo-hoooo!!!)
Science : B3 (finally one B!)
Home Econs : C5 (how can i?! home econs is chicken!!)

the rest haven't get back yet. LIR4 = 24. i'm still missing 1 subject and i have 24?! my god! thats like my lowest ever. ever ever in my whole entire life. i need to mug hard! hard hard hard!!

"wa why your face so many pimples . must be sarah kiss you one time pop out one more" quoted from alcinda to junming



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